Build the Story that Matters to You
Dreaming of writing a novel? This hands-on workbook is your ultimate guide to crafting the story you've always wanted to tell. Whether you’re building magical fantasy worlds or diving into real-life dramas, My First Novel will help you create a bold and exciting outline to kickstart your writing journey—and have fun doing it!
Your road map to a finished novel includes:
​Story structure secrets
Fun and inspiring writing prompts
Character-building and chapter-planning sheets
Worldbuilding and setting guides
Tools to discover your story’s theme
Tips and tricks for improving your craft
Resources for editing and revising
My First Novel: What's inside?
Section 1 - Story Essentials
What is a Story?
What is Your Problem?
Building Character
Character Sheets
Quirks & Flaws Sheets
Family Tree Chart
Where is Your Story?
Discovering Your Theme
What is an Arc?
Section 2 - Building Your Story
The Four Act Structure
Act 1 - “The Set Up”
Act 2 - “The Rising Action
Act 3 - “The Crisis
Act 4 - “The Resolution”
Chapter Outline Notes
Section 3 - Honing Your Craft
​Point of View
Active vs. Passive Voice
Section 4 - Resources & Guides
Where do Ideas Come From?
Writer’s Block
What is Genre?
After Draft 1: Revising
After Draft 2: Editing/Proofing
Punctuation Cheat Sheets
Capitalization Cheat Sheets